How much is your jewellery worth?
To accurately assess jewellery, the valuer has to determine the purity of the metal, total weight, identify/measure and grade any stones, and then determine the method of manufacture and labour involved.
But the first question is, what is the purpose of the valuation?
The most common valuations are:
- Retail Replacement. Sometimes referred to as an Insurance Valuation, it reflects a likely replacement price at a traditional retail jeweller.
- Private Sale. A fair and reasonable second-hand price suitable for a willing buyer and seller. GST is excluded.
- Auction Reserve. Determines the minimum value acceptable. Excludes auction fees.
- Deceased Estate. Fair market value, subject to the instructions of the executor.
- Divorce Settlement. Fair market value, subject to the instructions of the legal practitioner.
A valuer should only assess items within their area of expertise. For that reason, I would decline to value antiques and watches.
Valuations cost $50 per item. It includes a full assessment in writing and a photograph.
My qualifications:
Graduate Gemologist (GG) Gemological Institute of America (GIA)
Fellow of the Gemmological Association of Australia (FGAA)
Contact Info
0433 163230
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Working Hours
By Appointment
8 AM to 8 PM Monday to Saturday
Closed Sundays